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Beeta Playwright Competition For Writers

It’s getting closer people. To be a part of the Beeta Playwright Competition visit the Website

We need new voices in Nigerian Literature and @beeta4theatre has created that platform to find them through plays.
ENTRY CLOSES September 20th 2019.

You stand a chance to win One MILLION Naira, get your play Published and Produced.

The 3rd Beeta Playwright Competition is
Proudly sponsored by @unionbankng ,supported by @nimasaofficial @paperworthbooks #olajideoyewoleLLP @guardiannigeria @ngbritisharts

#Beeta #TakingPlayWritingToTheNextLevel
#TheatreAlert #BeetaPlaywrightCompetition #Plays #Playwrights #competition #performance #naijatheatre #empowerment #newpossibilities #theatrealert #BPC3

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