UPLOADING OF ENTRIES begin WED. JUNE, 17, 2020 and entry CLOSES JULY 15, 2020.
It’s “RAISE A VOICE” Challenge, Theme- “BREAK THE CYCLE”
Inviting filmmakers and Actors to enter a 60 seconds short film or monologue respectively, to lend your voice to the fight against RAPE, Domestic Violence, Police Brutality, and Corruption/Accountability
Top 20 videos will qualify to screen at the Africa Film For Impact Festival Special ONLINE Edition, on Youtube LIVE @ FFIF TV on July 25, 2020 by 5pm.
Awards include:
1. N50,000 each for 2 winners plus Return Flight Ticket to AFFIF 2020 (Local flight)
2. N20,000 each for 2 runners up
3. Tuition scholarship for 20 filmmakers.
Terms and conditions apply.
For details, visit filmforimpact.org
Email: filmforimpactfoundationng@gmail.com
TEL: 08171152769
Follow @filmforimpactng on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for updates.
Powered by High Definition Film Studio & Academy.
Entry closes July 15, 2020.