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Audition Tips

Attending Auditions Tips

● Very important to always read and understand audition requirements and information.

● Learn to keep to time in getting to the audition venue.

● Have courtesy and good manner of approach when you get to the venue example greeting people you find at the audition venue and the judges so many talents don’t know how to greet.

● Dress well not dressed sexually or seductively but dressing with class and torch of maturity and Elegance.

● No matter what happens talent are not expected to fight.

● Before going to any auditions talent should inform someone close to them and copy the address of the audition venue to someone close to them for security reasons.

● In question to send pictures for a job application talents should check pictures properly and be sure it’s in line to the requirement before sending the pictures.

● Talents should Always acquire new skills in your career set.

● Avoid Sending Hi or Hello,
Greet and introduce yourself formally by Name, Age and the Role you are interested in.

● Talents should be willing to travel outside of their state/city for an Audition.

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