
  • Contract
  • Anywhere
  • Posted 4 years ago

Glitz Glam

We Are Casting For The Following Roles For A Brand Skit

Physical Attributes – Any good looking man that can look like he’s in his mid 30s regardless of his true age
*Character* – Should display a stubborn attitude and a sharp tongue when he speaks

Physical Attributes – Any good looking woman that can look like she’s in her mid 30s regardless of her true age
*Character* – Should be able to speak calmly and with affection

Physical Attributes – A good looking man, should look like he’s in his 40s regardless of his true age
*Character* – Calm looking yet has an air of authority around him. He’s patient and doesn’t try to cut in while others speak

Physical Attributes- Any good looking woman who looks like she’s in her 20s regardless of her true age
*Character* – she’s like the life of the party. Carries herself with flair and charisma and also the most fashionably dressed

Physical Attributes – Good looking man. He should look like he’s in his late 30s regardless of his true age
*Character* – Should display a calm demeanor

Physical Attributes – Good looking man. Should look mid 30s despite his real age
*Character* – Unwell and in serious discomfort

Man3 Wife
Physical Attributes – Should look late 20s regardless of her true age
*Character* – Nice and friendly

*EXTRAS* – Good looking male & female aged between 20 and 35

If you fit any of these characters physically and you can play the role, send your pics and a short monologue (interpreting the character) to Ayanwale on 08023509799 and copy 08023092382

Entries Close Wednesday Night Aug 19 2020


APPLICATION LINK: Application Phone Number: Application Email:

Terms & Conditions For Job: