Music , Theatre, Spoken Words, Fringe Kids, Workshops ,Fringe Vendors
All thess and more will be happening at the Lagos Fringe Festival 2019💃😙☉
From 19TH-24TH November, 2019.
It’ll be a Massive Experience Lived like never before! .
Lagos Fringe is an open access multidisciplinary arts festival for producers, culture advocates, exhibitors and performers to showcase their work, either existing or new work to a diverse audience consisting of local and international audiences, venue owners, curators and arts buyers.
• The mission of Lagos Fringe is to foster an environment in Lagos Nigeria for artists all over the world to develop, connect and network freely while creating quality theatre.
• We offer audiences an eclectic program of Nigerian Theatre, experimental plays, musicals, cabarets, spoken word performances, and interpretations of classic repertoire as well as the best of new international theatre.
• Lagos Fringe is at the epicenter of theatre in the Lagos arts community and a valuable member of the arts in Nigeria through its open access platform, high quality work and workshops.
• Lagos Fringe strives to provide directors, writers, designers and actors with a safe environment to enhance their creative abilities and explore their talents, through the creation of live theatre.
• Lagos Fringe continually aims to be recognized around the world as a co-creative space for arts and entertainment.
Lagos are you ready?