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Five things you can do during this quarantine.

  1. Watch your favorite TV show

There’s nothing like quarantine to indulge in a small TV binge – after all, it’s not as if you can do much else. Luckily enough, the amount of good TV shows out there will most definitely take a few weeks to get through.

Whether you enjoy fast-paced action or more thoughtful drama, there’s really something to fill every hour of your day. 

2. Read a book on personal development.

Knowledge can never go extinct, so never stop learning. Developing yourself gives you an edge in the society. So make everyday count by being a better version of what you were yesterday. Also take a break from the news.

3. Connect  with your loved ones or family.

Alot of people have been choked up with the stress of work that they hardly have time for family or relationship. Now is the time to make things right. 

4. Learn a new skill online.

Go on YouTube learn that skill u’ve always wanted to.

5. Exercise and relax 

Like they say, Health is wealth. So exercise indoors, eat healthy, rest your body, don’t panic and observe proper hygiene to keep you safe.

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