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Africa Prime is looking to Purchase or Lease Completed Productions of Africa-Centric Video Content

Africa Content Submission

Africa Prime is looking to Purchase or Lease Completed Productions of Africa-Centric Video Content

Categories of Interest:
  1. Business, Profiles, News
  2. Documentaries, Struggle
  3. History, Education
  4. Lifestyle, Celebrities Fashion, Food
  5. Culture, Fashion, Music, Arts
  6. Travel, Tourism, Hospitality
  7. Sport, Science, Achievers

Africa Prime aims to be the depository of the best video content about Africa, told by Africans themselves. Documentaries about yesterday, but also about today and tomorrow. Content that reflect the rich historical, cultural and human heritage of the continent, but also reflect faith in its peoples and hope for its future. Content that inform the world about Africa’s outstanding sons and daughters and remarkable successes. Africa Prime is inviting independent video producers and filmmakers who embrace our vision, to share their content by submitting existing, completed productions via the form below.

By premium content, we mean content that respects the following criteria:

  1. A positive vision of Africa! Celebrating Africa’s Talents and Achievements.
  2. Different, unusual and original themes – based upon our Categories above
  3. High quality production values: Great scripts, directing, stunning imagery, sound, graphics
  4. Marketable to USA & Canada.
  5. Must to be in English, or have Sub-Titles in English.

Africa Content Submission

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